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Computational Chemistry: Applying Computational Techniques Towards the Advancement of Synthesis, Materials, and Biology

Computational Chemistry: Applying Computational Techniques Towards the Advancement of Synthesis, Materials, and Biology

Monday, October 10, 2011 at 4:00 pm
Weniger 153
Prof. Paul Cheong, Dept. of Chemistry, OSU
Considerable recent advances in synthesis allow great control over molecular processes. These discoveries enable the efficient construction of molecules that conquer disease, influence biology, and transform technology. The PHYC group uses computations to advance synthesis, by perfecting computational techniques to discover, explain, and quantify factors that control the selectivities and reactivities of complex chemical reactions. In this particular seminar, a computational study of a novel Scandium molecular dimer complex recently discovered in the Keszler group (OSU) will be presented.