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Outreach club meeting

Outreach club meeting

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 4:00 pm
Weniger 304
Ethan Minot

Enjoy a free slize of pizza and learn how to get involved in outreach efforts

* Demonstrate some demonstrations!
* Brief question and answer about physics outreach.
* Sign up for this year's email list
* Sign up for upcoming events

Our department sends small teams of students/faculty to Science nights at local schools. We put together teams to help at numerous on-campus events including "Discovery Days" and "Discovering the Scientist Within". We also visit local classrooms when teachers contact us and ask for a specific lesson. Student volunteers become better at communicating science, build connections with other students in our program, get to know faculty outside of the classroom, and demonstrate their commitment to science in a way that is visible on CVs and letters of recommendation.

Ethan Minot