Senior Thesis Talks 2019
Senior Thesis Talks 2019
Twelve students will present their work. Each student will speak for 8-10 minutes and then answer questions. Audience members can enter/exit between talks.
3:00pm - Michael Trumbull
"Reasoning with multiple representations: A parallel plate capacitor" (advisor Liz Gire)
3:12pm - Noah Langlie
"Traveling wave analysis of non-linear maxwell models with applications to non-linear optics" (advisor Vrushali Bokil)
3:24pm - Josh Ramm
"Anti-Reflective Films: Spectroscopy and Ellipsometry of Porous Films" (advisor David McIntryre)
3:36pm - Aaron Goschie
"Exploiting Diffraction Orders from a Phase LimitedSLM to Remove and Model Zernike Aberrations" (advisor David McIntyre)
3:48pm - Abigail Kimbrough
"Teaching Gravitational Potential Energy: Student Interaction with Surface Manipulatives" (advisor Liz Gire)
4:00pm - Brennan Douglas
"Chiral Topological Defects in Nematic Liquid Crystals and Classical Field Theories" (advisor Pavel Kornilovich)
4:12pm - Travis Herring
"How physics students use evaluative sensemaking strategies when prompted to reflect in an introductory calculus-based physics course" (advisor Liz Gire)
4:24pm - Cole Gilmore
"Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene Electrolytic Supercapacitors" (advisor Ethan Minot)
4:36pm - Dublin Nichols
"Fabrication and low-temperature measurement of nanoelectronic devices" (advisor Ethan Minot)
4:48pm - Joe Meyers
"Plasmon Induced Transparency in Terahertz Metamaterial" (advisor Yun-Shik Lee)
5:00pm - Patrick Berry
"Characterizing Optical Signatures of TiO2 Amorphous Precursors" (advisor Janet Tate)
5:12pm - Mateo Estrada Jorge
"Contact resistance: the return of the Cox and Strack method for heterojunction solar cells" (adviors Zachary Holman, ASU, Ethan Minot, OSU)