2012-02-27 Colloquium New Results from Physics and Astronomy Education Research Dr. Colin Wallace, Center for Astronomy Education (CAE), Steward Observatory, University of ArizonaColloquium
2012-02-13 Colloquium From individuals to populations - the emergent behavior in cellular systems Dr. Bo Sun, Princeton UniversityColloquium
2012-02-09 Colloquium Characterizing Biomolecular Dynamics at Interfaces using Single Molecule Tracking Dr. Robert Walder, University of Colorado, BoulderColloquium
2012-02-06 Colloquium Nobel Prize winners in Physics: Perlmutter, Schmidt, Riess. TBAColloquium
2012-02-06 Colloquium Nanoplasmonics & Metamaterials: From Physical Fundamentals to Life Sciences & Point of Care Diagnostics Dr. Ahmet Ali Yanik, Harvard Medical SchoolColloquium
2012-02-02 Colloquium Seeing structure and function of biological molecular machines in real-time: angstrom-resolution optical trapping and single molecule fluorescence. Dr. Matthew Comstock, UIUCColloquium
2012-01-30 Colloquium The power of small quantum information processors Dr. Robin Blume-Kohout, Los Alamos National LaboratoryColloquium
2012-01-23 Colloquium No big deal: Various adventures to the nanoscale and back Prof. Michael Zwolak, OSUColloquium
2011-11-21 Colloquium Nanophotonics: The Art of Managing Photons at the Nanoscale Prof. Mark Brongersma, Stanford UniversityColloquium
2011-11-14 Colloquium Learning and Forgetting in Large Introductory Courses Prof. Eleanor Sayre, Kansas State UniversityColloquium
2011-11-07 Colloquium Building electronics at the nanoscale to watch nature at the nanoscale Prof. Ethan MinotColloquium
2011-10-31 Colloquium New Frontiers in Optical Science: Terahertz Spectroscopy of Two Dimensional Systems Prof. YunShik LeeColloquium
2011-10-17 Colloquium Clickers in context: How is peer instruction used in the classroom (and what works?) Stephanie Chasteen, U of ColoradoColloquium
2011-10-10 Colloquium Computational Chemistry: Applying Computational Techniques Towards the Advancement of Synthesis, Materials, and Biology Prof. Paul Cheong, Dept. of Chemistry, OSUColloquium
2011-10-03 Colloquium Developing A Model for Future eTextBooks Prof. Rubin Landau, Oregon State UniversityColloquium
2011-05-23 Colloquium Graphene Optoelectronics and Plasmonics Prof. Xiaodong Xu, Uni. Wash.Colloquium
2011-05-09 Colloquium CANCELLED: Highly efficient inorganic cathode and anode for organic light emitting diodes Hiroshi Yanagi, Yamanashi UniversityColloquium
2011-04-25 Colloquium Update on introductory course reform and assessment in OSU Physics Dedra DemareeColloquium
2011-04-11 Colloquium Tiny bubbles: The history of greenhouse gases and climate from polar ice cores Prof. Edward BrookColloquium
2011-04-04 Colloquium Open House, No Colloquium Colloquium
2011-03-10 Colloquium Switching Genes On and Off by Bending and Stretching DNA Dr. Joshua Milstein, U. MichiganColloquium
2011-03-07 Colloquium Biophysical Applications of a Combined Atomic Force/Fluorescence Microscope Part 1: Blood clotting and NanoSelection® drug discovery Dr. Martin Guthold, Wake Forest UniversityColloquium
2011-03-03 Colloquium Viral democracy: using live-cell imaging to learn how phages attack bacteria Dr. Lanying ZengColloquium
2011-03-01 Colloquium Computer Simulations of Membrane Water Channels and Ion Channels Dr. Fangqiang ZhuColloquium
2011-02-28 Colloquium Nonaffine deformation and nonlinear elasticity in biological materials Dr. Qi Wen, University of PennsylvaniaColloquium
2011-02-24 Colloquium Convex Lens-Induced Confinement: Enabling New Biophysical Measurements Under Previously Inaccessible Conditions Dr. Sabrina R. Leslie, Harvard UniversityColloquium
2011-02-22 Colloquium Base-by-base ratcheting of single-stranded DNA through a solid-state nanopore: toward low-cost and high-throughput sequencing of the human Genome Dr. Binquan LuanColloquium
2011-02-21 Colloquium Probing the dynamics of biomolecules in liquid water by terahertz spectroscopy Dr. Vinh Q. Nguyen, UC Santa BarbaraColloquium
2011-02-17 Colloquium Rapid DNA sequencing via transverse electronic transport Dr. Michael ZwolakColloquium
2011-02-15 Colloquium Nanopores and Nanoparticles: The Technology of the Very Small for Biomedical Applications Dr. Hendrick de HaanColloquium
2011-02-07 Colloquium Scanning Probe Measurements of Graphene George Nazin, University of OregonColloquium
2011-01-24 Colloquium A Science Literacy Teaching Program Across Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Geology Michael Raymer, University of OregonColloquium
2011-01-17 Colloquium MLK Holiday - No Colloquium MLK Holiday - No ColloquiumColloquium
2011-01-10 Colloquium Ernest Rutherford and the Discovery of the Nuclear Atom Prof. Ken Krane, OSU PhysicsColloquium
2010-11-29 Colloquium The Nobel Prize in Physics: Graphene Ethan MinotColloquium
2010-11-22 Colloquium Clone of TBA Colloquium
2010-11-15 Colloquium No Colloquium, Yunker lecture was last friday Colloquium
2010-11-12 Colloquium Yunker Lecture: Single Molecule Nanometry for Biological Physics TJ Ha, Uni. Illinois Urbana-ChampagneColloquium
2010-11-08 Colloquium Optical Tweezers Trapping for Biochemical Imaging David McIntyreColloquium
2010-11-01 Colloquium Centromeres of Neurospora: Maintenance and Inheritance governed by Heterochromatin Michael Freitag, Oregon State UniversityColloquium
2010-10-27 Colloquium Scanning probe microscopy of graphene Brian LeRoy, University of ArizonaColloquium
2010-10-18 Colloquium Using the body symbolically to understand physics Rachel E. Scherr, Hunter G. Close, Sarah B. McKagan, and Eleanor W. CloseColloquium
2010-10-11 Colloquium TBA Colloquium
2010-10-04 Colloquium Structured Semiconductors for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage Shannon Boettcher, University of OregonColloquium
2010-09-28 Colloquium TBA David McIntyreColloquium