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Events Archive

People gathered in a field for the 2017 eclipse.

The Oregon State University Physics Department has been host to many amazing events over the years. Learn more about our past events by exploring below.

Special LectureSpecial Lecture: Alum and National Medal of Science winner Warren Washington
Warren Washington
Special Lecture
Special LectureOSU Distinguished Professor lectures
Reimers, Subramanian, Weiss
Special Lecture
Special LectureModeling the Melt: What Math Tells Us About Disappearing Polar Sea Ice
Prof. Ken Golden
Special Lecture
Special LectureThe Wei Family Private Foundation lecture: “Atomic Sandwich: Photonics and optoelectronics of two-dimensional materials"
Prof. Jie Shan, Cornell Applied Physics
Special Lecture
Special LectureDistinguished Professor Lecture: With a little help from my friends: collaborative materials research and incorporating research into the undergraduate curriculum
Prof. Janet Tate
Special Lecture
Special LectureOf Predators and Prey
Dr. Henri Berestycki
Special Lecture
Special LectureCatalyzing the transformation of science learning at OSU
Prof. Corinne Manogue
Special Lecture
Special LecturePhysicist Working In Industry
Dr. Whitney Shepherd
Special Lecture
Special LectureComplex Systems Seminar :The Statistics and the Statistical Mechanisms of Sloppy Models
Kevin Brown
Special Lecture
Special LectureSolar Eclipse: Learn from the Experts
Randy Milstein and Davide Lazzati
Special Lecture
Special LectureSolar Eclipse: Learn from the Experts
Davide Lazzati and Randy Milstein
Special Lecture
Special LectureKevin Brown-The Statistics and Statistical Mechanics of Sloppy Models
Kevin Brown-University of Connecticut
Special Lecture
Special LectureThere Goes the Sun: The North American Total Solar Eclipse of 2017
Randall Milstein, OSU/Astronomer- in- Residence for the Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium
Special Lecture
Special LectureWhy Diversity Makes for Excellent Science
Professor Jim Gates
Special Lecture
Special LectureTaking a Scientific Approach to Learning and Teaching Science
Carl Wieman
Special Lecture
Special LectureNanometer-scale Patterns Formed by Nitrogen Adsorption on Cu(001)
Dr. Masamichi Yamada, Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Special Lecture
Special LectureComplexity in Borides: exotic solids or useful materials
Prof. Barbara Albert Eduard-Zintl-Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Technische Universität Darmstadt Germany
Special Lecture
Special LectureJanet Tate delivers the Gilfillan Lecture
Janet Tate
Special Lecture
Special LectureAdvantage Accelerator Visit
Advantage Accelerator
Special Lecture
Special LectureWhat is the World made of: From the Very Small to the Very Large
Ken Krane
Special Lecture
Special LectureMagnetics + Mechanics + Nanoscale = Electromagnetics Future
Dr. Greg P. Carman
Special Lecture
Special LectureNeutrinos to Higgs - Data Analysis in Particle Physics
Stephen Wolbers, OSU Research Computing
Special Lecture
Special LectureTBA
Kathryn Hadley
Special Lecture
Special LectureTBA
Darya Dolenko
Special Lecture
Special LectureMagnetic Nanowires: Revolutionizing Hard Drives, RAM, and Cancer Treatment
Dr. Bethanie Stadler, University of Minnesota
Special Lecture
Special LectureThe Weird, Wacky, Wonderful World of Quantum Mechanics
Ken Krane
Special Lecture
Special Lecture Probing attosecond electron emission dynamics at solid surfaces
Prof. Jürg Osterwalder, Department of Physics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Special Lecture
Special Lecture30th Annual Mathematics Lonseth Lecture "Plateau's Problem and the Geometry of Soap Films"
Harold R. Parks
Special Lecture
Special LectureSeminar PER candidate 4
PER candidate 4
Special Lecture
Special LectureSeminar PER candidate 3
PER candidate 3
Special Lecture
Special LectureSeminar PER candidate 2
PER candidate 2
Special Lecture
Special LectureSeminar PER candidate 1
PER candidate 1
Special Lecture
Special LectureTwinkle, Twinkle little loop
Prof. Heidi Schellman
Special Lecture
Special LectureQuantum Tricks In The Shadows Of Relativity and The Coulomb Force: Teaching Magnetic Systems To Think Ultra-Fast
Prof. Ilias Perakis
Special Lecture
Special LectureThe physics of electronic transport in 1D-nanostructures: From one to a disordered array of many.
Porf. David McIlroy
Special Lecture
Special LectureThin-film semiconductors: Materials Discovery at OSU
Prof. Janet Tate
Special Lecture
Special LectureVoltage Sensing Inorganic Nanoparticles
Prof. Shimon Weiss, UCLA
Special Lecture
Special LectureBlack Holes and Galaxy Evolution
Prof. Chris O'Dea
Special Lecture
Special LectureTracking water molecules in proteins
Prof. Robin Hochstrasser, Uni. of Pennsylvania
Special Lecture
Special LectureSymmetry breaking of aqueous ions seen through the vibrations
Prof. Robin Hochstrasse, Uni. of Pennsylvania
Special Lecture
Special LectureThe Greatest Scientific Achievements of the Hubble Space Telescope
Dr. Mario Livio, Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
Special Lecture
Special LectureFun with Physics (special event for Discovering the Scientist Within middle-school girls' workhop)
Physics Department
Special Lecture
Special LecturePure Spin Currents: Discharging Spintronics
Axel Hoffmann
Special Lecture